Like my hair? Hey, just glad to have it!
A - Auburn - I absolutely loved all the time I spent there. We used to make fun of my mom because when we would go back she would say she had the most fun of her life there. I now understand what she was saying! I love where God has me in life now, but what a blessing to be able to be there 5 years! 4 years plus one masters year was more than I deserved. The friendships and memories will last forever, and God allowed me to meet my husband there! We are blessed that Heath's sister lives there and we have a place to stay almost every weekend in the fall...and that Heath's family buys tickets for the games for us!
Turner with Pap last Auburn game at home
B - Best Friends - What a blessing to have close friends through every stage of life. God uses these to sharpen and challenge me, to make me laugh, to encourage, refocus me, entertain me. And show me His love! I love facebook because it reminds me of people from all these stages - birth/childhood, high school, college, working world and now mommyhood!
With BFF Gina and Baby Luke
C - Caffeine - Just bein' real. I can't live without it. Call me a bad mom. Whatever - it gets me through the day, and has ever since my parents introduced me to it (which I am sure they regret) as a child. Everyone said Turner would be traumatized from all the caffeine in the womb and from breast feeding, but does this face look traumatized? I think not!
At a building birthday party last weekend
D - Discipline - I am so glad God is my Father and used my parents and now my marriage and being a parent to discipline me as His child. Nothing like chasing a super-fast crawling baby around saying things like "Get out of the toilet" or grabbing a chip out of his mouth and then having him throw up all over me to remind me that we are all sinners, and disobey, and have since birth. But He forgives and restores us back to Him every time through his Holy Spirit.
E - Exercise - I have mentioned before that having a child does a number on your body. I am thankful for exercise, and how it renews you! I loved participating in Boot Camp for a couple of months before this pregnancy (now Heath gets to do it!) And I have a close friend who lives right near me (not for much longer) that LOVES exercise and has made a great walking partner.
F - Family - My little immediate family (of 3 and a half) and my extended family - Starrs and Hendersons. One blessing about Turner and this baby being so close together will be that they will able to (hopefully) be best friends, like Heath and I are with our siblings. And having Turner has made me appreciate every one of them even more - always willing to help and serve and unconditionally love him over the last year.
G - God, our Father - Lord, thank you for choosing me as your child. Thank you for never giving up on me and continuing to work on me! That is the greatest blessing of all time - the gift of eternal life. Thank you for sending your son, Jesus Christ.
H - Heath - I am so thankful for my husband and best friend. God made him especially for me, and I am grateful. He is more patient and loving than he should be. I am very proud of him for providing for us, and for the husband and father that he is. He keeps me grounded, and that is a hard task. So stable, and striving to be a godly man daily. Thank you, Lord, for him.
Turner - 9 days old
I - Internet - Ahh, my connection to the outside world. Facebook, email, blogs, online banking/shopping, etc. Though I have to be careful of how I spend time on here, it is so nice to have this form of communication. Especially this last year "at home". Which is funny if you know me, because we are really not at home that much! I also love being able to take pictures and share them and memories of Turner in a blog, because my baby book is lacking!
J - Jeep - Oh, my white jeep. The one I got right before I got married. The first car that was all mine - at age 23! I got to share a car for 7 years before that, and I survived! That little jeep is still good to me. Soon enough we will need a bigger car, but I am still attached to my Grand Cherokee.
K - Kate Bug - This was the original weasel. Now Turner has taken over the name for sure! She continually makes me laugh, and lately I have truly loved watching her interact with and entertain Turner. I am blessed to be an aunt - to her, Blake-ums and Baby Ellie. What a neat gift God gives us to be able to have nieces and nephews.
L - Laughter - Turner reminds me of this every day. He laughs and smiles all the time! I wish I could catch on tape when he laughs uncontrollably - priceless. Laughing until I cry is one of my favorite things. God uses family and friends, television, even strangers to bring laughter daily.
Being silly in the bath
M - Mother's Day Out - This has been my new gig, and I like it. In the beginning, I wasn't sure. The kids were a lot younger (only 3 have turned 2 in the last few weeks), and that was much younger than my precious second graders. But, I realized as my first trimester of pregnancy ended, I was a new person - especially at "school." The kids have started calling me by name now, and they don't cry about leaving their moms. They are used to me, and I am used to them. And Turner doesn't bat an eye in his room - he is in heaven!
N - Nap time - Ahh, that is what is happening now (well it was when I started writing this). I dreaded when he was born having to be home at a certain time every day for him to sleep. Whatever. It is great! Time to chill out, and just be alone for a little while. I am extremely extroverted, and even I need some of that time! And, Turner is good to me because he sleeps well anywhere - Auburn games, out at restaurants, in the car, etc. When he is tired, he sleeps, and he is not waking up until he is ready! Thank you, Lord.
O - OMES - My former school. I love running into former kids and parents. I had a wonderful 5 years there, and really never believed I wouldn't be there. But God's timing is perfect, and I love my situation. This year off has been wonderful, and all in His plan!
P - Pregnancy - I can say this is sometimes a pain in the butt, but I am still thankful. I don't love not feeling great and being tired, but as I am in the second trimester, I am a new woman. I was not sick for even one minute with Turner, and I haven't thrown up this time, but I have a new appreciation for trimesters. Though this little blessing was not planned (I thought we would have to have help again), I praise the Lord for it! I am glad I have a sovereign God who knows better than I do! Now, notice I didn't say I was thankful for maternity clothes. Ughh, still working on my attitude about those!
Q - Quick orders from Lindsey - I go back and forth about getting a sewing machine of my own. I tell you, it is so nice to have a sister who can whip up cute clothes or monogramming in no time! Makes me wonder if I even need to worry about it. Why? She is so talented. I save a bunch of money, and Turner gets to look good. Blessing.
R - Restaurants - I am obsessed with eating out. I blame my parents for depriving me as a child. Now I understand, it was expensive and a hassle with 3 children! They have more than made up for it with all the meals they have bought over the years. We eat lunch as a family every Sunday, and I am blessed they are so giving! It makes my day to eat out with friends and catch up, these lunches/dinners with family, and with Heath on our "dates".
S - Sunday School - God has blessed us over the last almost 5 years with our Cornerstone Sunday School class. We love the opportunity to fellowship with other believers in our stage of life - from newlyweds to new parents. I look forward to more years with them! And, I cannot say enough about what a blessing it was for the ministry of bringing food when we had a baby.
T - Turner Bug, of course. I never imagined what a blessing being a mother would be. Someone asked me the other day if I was sad that he was turning one. I said, "Well, you know, I am pregnant again, so I haven't really mourned the loss of the baby stage." Her mouth dropped open for I promise 3 full minutes. She had a baby around when I did, and said "You just did this!" I know, I know. I have truly adored him since the minute I met him. And the cliche is true, every stage really does get more fun. I didn't believe that until it has happened. But, he is at a really fun age right now, even though he is ALL OVER THE PLACE!!
U - Unemployment - Thank you, God, for the opportunity to be a stay-at-home mom. Another phrase I never really thought would describe me. There is no perfect way for every family, but for now this is working well for us. I love being able to be home, but I miss the old paycheck I was getting!
V - Video monitor. This little gem is wonderful. In the middle of the night, I just pop it on and see what Turner is up to. Really, I look at it all day long. When he was a few months old, I used to leave it on all the time. Then I graduated into being able to pop it on and off.
W - Watching television - I love t.v. I am not ashamed. I am not always proud of what is on, but I would have a hard time without it.
X - Xtra minutes on my cell phone - I can't abandon T-Mobile. I have too good of a plan! My cell phone is my lifeline - another thing I have to pray about becoming an idol. But it is wonderful to be able to pick up the phone and keep up with people. I love technology!
Y - Yakina, Shaneka and Na'Shira - These are Turner's Mother's Day Out teachers and I am grateful for them. They love him, and he loves them. I know this isn't tactful, but he LOVES black women. Plain and simple, they are his favorite! I love that they know his quirks and how to deal with him, and they spoil him (they gave him food from our Thanksgiving Feast at work yesterday!!). They even texted me last week to tell me they found his missing lovey, Mr. Lion. You can't beat that!
Z - Zzzz - sleep. Lame, I know, but there aren't a lot of Z words. I am blessed that Turner has been a wonderful sleeper and I pray this next one is! In normal life, I don't need much sleep. But I need more when I am pregnant. My mom is hoping this next child will be like me and never sleep. Please, no, Lord! But, I will deal if that is the case!
Okay, so this turned out probably way longer than I intended. But, what an awesome exercise in thankfulness. One thing I forgot - Praise God for health of our family and those around us. He is the Healer, and I praise Him for His mercy.
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