March 1st - Snowfall!
I can't believe how hot it was in December when Turner was born, and now that he is almost 3 months old, it snows! But, it is fun. This is a picture of our house in the snow. It was so pretty all around our neighborhood. However, Turner did not enjoy it! See below...
"Seriously. I hate this."
"Please let me go inside. I am cold. I will only open my eyes in the shadow."
Best we could snowman and all!
Right now, as I type the little man is snuggled up in the heat (inside) with a blanket, and he is smiling. Maybe he will like it better in 10 years when it snows again!!
You are harsh making that poor baby get out in the cold just for a I love it! You're right by the next time it snows here he'll be old enough to enjoy it.