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Thursday, February 14, 2013

Happy Valentine's Day!

"For God so loVed the world
          that he gAve His
      one and onLy son
      that whosoEver
       believeth iN him
           shall noT 
                  parIsh but have
                   lifE."   John 3:16

The boys' preschool director sent a card like this home and I thought it was very cute and a great reminder of our God's LOVE for us!  We actually celebrated Valentine's Day at school yesterday.  Here were my little love bugs.
Best I could do - in Collins' classroom, John Burke would only take a picture holding Collins and Turner was blocking his cute little Valentine's shirt by shooting his Buzz Lightyear laser.  Ugh.

Burke Burke has been very festive about V-Day - he has been begging for a week to make "prinkle" cookies
Clearly I let him roll with this - also, look closely and he has a skanky mustache from some sort of chocolate.  Beautiful.
Looking at their Valentine's bags from their class parties
She thinks she's big

John Burke's cute card from school
And Turner's.  Very sweet!

And I was very impressed with all of the Pinterest moms who were so crafty this holiday - we ended up with Transformer and Cars valentines from Target, and of course we had to tape on our favorite Skittles.  That took me long enough, and these boys were thrilled!  And, I also went all out this morning.  Here they were with their valentines.  
Cheese heads.  Could not get them to smile, but I do know the key to their hearts.  Valentine's hearts with Skittles!  Heath and I were able to go out on a date last night to a great restaurant, and that was really a treat.  I forgot to get a picture, but it would have been hot because I have a random eye infection and can only wear my glasses (which I only use ever to fall asleep with while watching t.v.) for 10 days.  Heath is so lucky:)
Sister stole some skittles too
And, speaking of love...
Pap got married this weekend!
Mr. and Mrs. Frank and Tambry Henderson - "Pap and Tappy"
They had a sweet ceremony at their house on Sunday afternoon.  We had cake and coffee and then took some pictures in the yard.  It was very nice, and I personally liked it because the actual wedding was only about 4 minutes long and my kids were able to not lose their minds!  Yay!
John Burke would not let Frank out of his sight all day...signing the marriage license, cutting the cake, he was hot on his trail.  Here he is with his new cousin Parrish eating wedding cake with the happy couple.
And this little lady isn't walking, but does this very coordinated little scoot everywhere she wants to go. She enjoyed scooting around the reception.
Pap and Tap and the 7 grandchildren
Our family - we have it all together:)  At least it was pre-eye infection!  Check the staircase behind us.  Turner was running around the house during the reception.  I went upstairs to gather shoes and such before we were leaving, and was walking down the stairs in my fancy boots.  I leaned over to tell him "If you run, you are going to..." and before I could say "Fall!" I lost my footing, and my feet went over my head.  I slid down at least 4 stairs, because my boots had no traction.  Luckily I didn't get hurt - that is what I get for trying to impart such wisdom.  Wow, I am graceful. 

I will leave you with John Burke and his valentine...
Kina, of course.
And Collins with her valentine Sims
So scandalous!