Tuesday, November 21, 2017

ABCs of Thanksgiving - 2017

Wow - I am surprised I was able to pull this page up.  Last week I remembered this annual post, and I just wasn't ready to let it go.  It is the one time all year I put things down into words and post pictures.  Why I can't do something monthly that would be more accurate - I don't know?!  But, here goes:

A - Auburn
We will always love our Auburn Tigers!!  Heath and I both grew up in big Auburn families and then met there.  We got engaged there and met so many of our best friends there.  Going back to games is so much more than if Auburn wins or loses - it is getting to see friends and families and feel a part of it all again.  I am thankful that we get a taste of it each Fall and get to share it with our children.
Hanging with Lindsey's kids at the tailgate
Our favorite 2nd grade teacher, Mrs. Smith - she walked by our tailgate and we snagged a picture.  She was Turner's teacher last year and is John Burke's this year and was even an ADPi at Auburn (this is where I should insert a wink emoji - I haven't blogged much since emojis took over:))

We also love getting to spend time with great friends at Auburn games - this was right after the miraculous Auburn-Georgia game.  War Eagle!!

We have loved our experience at Briarwood so far.  I wondered how it would be going back there with my kids vs. when I was a student, and it is totally different.  Of course.  But it is such a blessing!  Our kids have godly, kind, incredible teachers who love them - and that is hard to find!  Not saying we could only find that at Briarwood, but blessed that we have so far!

In our BCS gear

Our very favorite part of BCS is having our GiGi teach there and keep an eye on us!

Some buds from John Burke' class last year
Eating Doodle's with friends on the last day of school in the Spring
2 of Turner's buds from his class - the one on the right is actually Heath's cousin's child and makes it extra special!! 

C - Collins
This girl.  Wow.  She is growing up so much - yet about 7 minutes ago when I was trying to upload pictures for this blog right here, she climbed on top of me and insisted I hold her.  She is dying to be big but also little at the same time, and I am soaking it up - though she wears me thin!!  She is proving to be much more introverted than any other of our Henderson 5, and that is fascinating to me.  She was playing with a group of kids at her brothers' football practice one night and all of a sudden insisted she needed to be alone.  To the tune of shutting the door in one of the sweet little girl's faces.  This is FOREIGN to me - but I am learning that she sometimes has to re-energize away from others.  We did talk about not including slamming a car door in someone's face, though.
Elsa is a forever favorite and she sneaks into costume constantly.  She also LOVES a good twirl dress!
She lives for ballet.  This year she is also doing tap, and she is eating it all up!! I don't know where she came from - it is not from me, but I love watching her love it!
She is also my workout partner.  I have been trying to do some video workouts at home when I am low on time, and she gets mad if I don't ask her to "do" them with me.  She doesn't really use 5 pound weights - maybe those are mine;)

D - Day to Day
I am so thankful to spend my days with these 3.  They can make me laugh, cry, and scream all within 5 minutes.  I am loving their innocence they still have, knowing some things like all 3 watching a Disney movie "for Collins" won't last much longer.
They can fight like animals, but I also catch them loving on each other sometimes.
I am thankful to get to have Heath as my partner in daily parenting these crazies, even if that sometimes means escaping when he walks in the door from work.

E - Eclipse
This one is random, but I didn't want to forget something that made 2017 so unique.  I checked the boys out of school so they could watch it, and glad I did because especially Turner was so into it!!  I don't want to forget the mad run on the glasses that were blacked out, and the little crescent moons that were made in shadows on the ground.
Also, we watched it at the church with some of my favorite nursery friends.  They were LOVING it and we were passing the glasses back and forth so we could all enjoy it.

F - Flag Football
John Burke was dying to play flag football this year.  Turner - not so much.  That is a glaring difference in the 2 of them.  Heath and I went back and forth about Turner playing because the team was 2nd and 3rd grade boys, and that is the grades they are in.  We sent him to tryouts and darn it if he didn't run kinda fast and pull some flags.  Against his plans (which were to "relax all Fall" (eye roll)), we signed him up to play and they desperately needed another  coach so Heath became the Head Coach.  
We ended up all loving it and it was so fun to watch!!  John Burke was the center and one of the only kids in the league who could actually pass the ball through his legs.  Turner (when he cared or paid attention) was an awesome flag puller and dubbed himself the "Ambusher".  Such a fun season and a great way to get to know other families.
Before the first game, another mom asked me if we had a run-through.  I thought she meant some kind of coaching drill.  Clearly I wasn't a cheerleader...so when she told me about it, I agreed to make one for the first game.  Well, they loved it so much that I ended up making 8 or 9 more.  I don't miss that part of the season, but I was glad to help them get pumped up!

G - Grandparents

Both sets of grandparents at a flag football playoff game.  They were saints because it was frigid!!
Mom and Dad were able to come to Briarwood Grandparents' Day and visit the kids' classes.
With Pap and Tappy last Christmas
We also love our great Grannys.  This one is Granny Fran and she is always hilarious!!  Our other Granny Eloise has been sick, but we are lucky and thankful to still have both of them alive.
I found this old picture of our MeMe.  We never forget her - and this picture summed her up so well with how she loved to play with the boys.  Her anniversary in Heaven is coming up on Friday and it will be 6 years.  I am thankful that the boys remember her and that they all 3 talk about her all the time!

H - Henderson cousins
Speaking of MeMe, her legacy lives on with these kids.  Our kids love playing together, especially at the lake!

I - Interim (at Covenant)
This year was a tough one for Covenant.  Our pastor and another assistant pastor ended up leaving.  We can see God's Sovereignty in it, but it was a tough time for sure!!  In mid-October our church got an Interim Pastor and while we miss our old one, the Lord is blessing our church immensely in the guidance and leadership of our Interim Pastor.  He will also help us find a new permanent pastor.  
In the midst of all the hardship at Covenant, we still have such a community of believers and best friends that we love there and are SO grateful for!! The Lord was gracious to all involved, and I wanted to remember some times spent with some of our favorite church friends this past year.
The "big kids" at our Sunday School Easter Egg hunt
New Year's Eve toasts with some buddies
4th of July with these crazy cats - in a neighborhood parade!
Some of our favorite friends are MSU fans and came with us to the Auburn/MSU game
Our Easter picture this year - John Burke saw that suit at Belk and did not give up on it.  No matter what I said, he was intent on wearing this suit and Turner was a good sport and wore one, too.

J - John Burke
This child broke the mold.  I am just saying.  I have always said about him that I have to hide from him sometimes when he is awake because he does NOT let up or leave me alone, but then I miss him when he is asleep!!  He is extremely outgoing and dying to be athletic.  He is tenacious and tries his best in sports.  He is hilarious and inappropriate at times, and I must take credit for that part.  Oops.  I can make eye contact with him and he picks up on adult humor, but that can be a dangerous game!  He loves school and playing outside with his friends, and he has a sweet heart when it comes to Bible stories and songs and verses.  He is 7 and a half, but is like his dad and always rounds up his age.
He had a wonky front tooth that was turned to the side for weeks.  Our dentist goes to church with us and he loves him, and we asked him one week at church to finally pull that thing out.  Dr. Purvis was sweet enough to do it!!
He is confident, and I pray he stays that way and the Lord uses it for good.  

K - Kindergarten
Collins is in kindergarten at Covenant this year.  Our last year at Covenant Day School.  The end of an era.  I am soaking up the time with her, since she only goes 9-1 each day.  We are both getting prepared for her to be at school every day next year, and I am glad I have several more months before that happens.
Pop Pop was able to come and read with her at her Grandparents' Day at Covenant
Her sweet teachers Mrs. Cami and Mrs. Jennifer.  They had a sock hop to celebrate the 50th day of kindergarten!
  We love our sweet school and are so very thankful for it and how they love our children!!  Cami (on the left) taught both boys kindergarten and Collins is blowing her mind at how different she is.  See, Collins will obey and listen at school and maybe the boys weren't awesome at that.  But she loved all of them in different ways!!  Collins is DYING to learn all of her sight words and refuses to be left behind by her brothers.
Collins and Emma at their last Covenant Fall Festival

L - Lake
We are grateful that Pap and Tappy have a place at Lake Martin where we can go and play and fish and swim and ski and ride the boat and spend fun family time.
The Maui Mat was a new hit this year!
Hanging out and feeding the goats at Goat Island
Tube riding with cousins
Turner loving spending time on Goat Island with Uncle Jay

M - Marriage
I am so thankful for Heath.  This year I have been proud of him in all new ways.  I love him as a husband and father, but I also got to watch him humbly lead in church matters and also lead kids as he coached basketball and football.  I don't tell him enough, but I am grateful for him and our family!
Oh, and also his patience.  I found these pictures today.  This summer I was driving home one night, and talking to him on the phone when I swerved into a curb and popped 2 tires.  Yikes.  He heard it happen and knew immediately.
We had to get it towed and he had to come pick me up.  It was tense for a minute, but he forgave me for it and was gracious about it.  
I also found this today - a throwback photo to the night we celebrated our engagement.  Babies.

N - Neighbors
We love our sweet neighbors.  Mae Mae is a granddaughter of our neighbor 2 doors down and we love it when she and her sister and cousins come over!!  Next to her is Mrs. Hedy and I don't have a picture with her, but she is wonderful and always spoils and surprises my kids with little gifts!
Our steady favorites, Mr. Ken and Mrs. Helen.  I should have put their picture with grandparents, because that is how they treat our children.  We are beyond thankful for them.
Their daughter got married this summer, so I got a dressed up picture with Helen.

O - Our Kids' Friends
It is so fun to meet new friends through our kids and get to spend time with them and their families

Collins is growing some friends at Briarwood, too
Her ride or dies - Sims and Mary Allison

P - Personal Savior
Our greatest gift and blessing is our personal Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.  We are so grateful for Him and how He loves us, even when we fail!!  This season, I keep meditating on 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 - "Be joyful always, pray continually and in all things give THANKS for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus."  

Q - Questions 
All day, every day these 3 ask hundreds of questions.  I love watching their minds shape mentally,  spiritually and socially, and I love that they still want to spend so much time with me and need to remember that more often!

R - Relationships
Okay, so in this phase of life relationships are more and more important.  We are so so blessed to be surrounded by wonderful friends who love us, but will also speak truth to us!!
Girls' trip in February with my college friends
Just got back from New York City and celebrating Jami's 40th birthday.  So fun!!
 A somber picture because it was one of these guy's dad's funeral, but these are some of Heath's small group and best friends.  They sharpen him and are gifts to us for sure!!
Mom Friends from Turner's class

S - Starr cousins
It is such a blessing and fun thing to have cousins that we are best friends with!
Beach trip at our favorite place in Orange Beach - so grateful to spend a week with this crazy crew who we adore!
Picture from Derek's wedding - Chloe and Brooklyn were still getting ready...and now they are due with another girl in April.

T - Turner
My firstborn will be 9 in 2 weeks.  Nine!!  I love his sweet spirit!  He is abundantly kind and interested currently in all things Marvel comics.  Luckily his uncle Derek can foster that!!  He does not care for sports at all, he is more into movies.  He has a sweet, sweet class and has made several new buddies this year.  I am amazed how he is stepping up academically.  He LOVES science and history and he is sailing through 3rd grade.  What a blessing!!  I am so proud of him, and never want to forget how he wakes up every day like a puppy dog - so happy to be alive!
Last year as Neil Armstrong with his best buddy Will at Famous American Day
Still rocking water skiing and everything water.  He is part fish and lives to be in the water!

U - Unique
This Halloween picture sums up my kids so well.  Gone are the days of a family theme at Halloween.  But they knew what they wanted to be!  Turner was Spiderman, John Burke a hot dog (really?!) and Collins was a Frozen Mermaid, coined by her.  They all 3 were so confident in their choices and had so much fun!!  I want them to be unique, and I love that they feel strongly doing so.  I want that to last forever!
Collins loves a good face paint situation any time she can get it!
 Turner at his birthday dinner last year, he got to help the Japanese chef
John Burke wore these Cam Newton socks to every football game.  Against my desires.  Also, I HATE this sleeveless shirt, but he is convinced that he looks amazing in it!
This guy doesn't care about the game, but instead used tape from the stands (for a half-time stunt) to become some sort of monster.  I love that he doesn't care what people think, though that is hard as a parent sometimes for sure!!  The Lord reminds me that these 3 are specifically created by Him.  I am thankful that they are His children and I am constantly humbled by my own sin in trying to parent them.  So thankful for God's GRACE!!

V - Vulnerability
This picture is a special reminder of how God honors when we are vulnerable.  I am a part of a Supper Club for Briarwood moms, and my friend asked me to host this past January.  That is not my natural gift, and I finally sucked it up and did it.  The Lord brought these sweet women to my imperfect home and we had a ball eating together and getting to know each other better.  I am so thankful for friends who are vulnerable and will admit weakness and encourage me to do so as well!

W - Work
I don't want to leave out that I still work at our church Mother's Day Out and LOVE it!!  I love our team that leads the Nursery and MDO, and the ladies who serve there and love on our babies and toddlers.  They keep me laughing, and I am thankful for the Lord's provision there.

X,Y, Z - Youth Sports

 John Burke's first grade basketball team
Turner in second grade basketball, coached by Heath

 Ballet is Collins' "sport"and this was from the Father-Daughter Dance for Briarwood Ballet.  She was floating on a cloud!
 Turner played Spring Lacrosse and loved it (once he gave it a chance!)
 John Burke tried baseball for the first time and LOVED it!
 The reason why I am so thankful for youth sports is for how their coaches loved them and trained them so well!!  They gave of their time and got to know our kids' personalities and found the best way to challenge them and it has been such a blessing to be a part of!!  So thankful for the lessons they are learning through sports and the godly men who are training them.

I did it!!  I remembered how to blog!!  So glad to get to highlight this year!  
Happy Thanksgiving and Merry Christmas!!!