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Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Easter Weekend

We had a full week last week.  It was a wonderful time spent with friends and family in celebration of our Risen Savior!
My sister and her kids came to town for their Spring Break.  So of course we had to hang out every day they were here!  We went with them and 2 other friends and their kids to the zoo on Thursday.  It was packed - with all of south Alabama on Spring Break - but these kids didn't let it stop them and we had a blast!
The only picture I got - watching the sea lions

Friday we met Lindsey and mom and the kids at the outlets and had fun in the sunshine there
GiGi bought all the kids sunglasses
Cool cats

Then, Friday afternoon we headed to a friend's third birthday party at the park.  Heath was off work, so he came with us and it was nice to hang with friends in the nice weather!  That night, we were able to sneak away to celebrate another friend's birthday with just adults, and that was nice as well.  The kids spent the night at my parents' house.  That doesn't happen very often since we all live in town.  I realized that they need to get out more when Turner completely flipped out as we were leaving.  He ran back to the car and buckled himself back in, insisting he was coming with us.  He kept saying "This is not my home.  I do not belong here."  Please!  He was with GiGi and Pop Pop!  And of course John Burke had to cry as well, out of brotherly togetherness.  Luckily, as we drove out of the driveway the act was over and they didn't want to leave when we came back.
Bright and early Saturday morning we headed to an Egg Hunt with our Sunday School class.  It was so much fun and I think it will become a regular tradition!  Look at these cute doughnuts I got at the new Heavenly Donuts store.  Adorable and so fresh!  

The boys took it very seriously and filled their baskets with eggs.  Turner did not care for the hard boiled eggs, and threw those down and kept going.  Ugh!  No appreciation for a pretty egg, just a candy hound.
I am not sure why I brought Collins' basket.  All she did was scoot around on a blanket.  Here she is with her friend Annie.
We tried:)  The boys sang in church last Sunday, and we have still been listening to the c.d. in the car this week because John Burke is obsessed with it.  But the words were so precious to overhear them wandering around singing.  They say "Who died..and came alive again?  Who came to rescue you and me?  Who came to make all things brand new?  Who did it all for love of you?  So sing and dance and leap and run, His name is Jesus, little one."  John Burke calls it the leak and leak and run song.  But it helped us talk to them about Easter through those sweet words!
I usually make a bunny cake, but a few weeks ago we tried Pioneer Woman's chocolate sheet cake and it was amazing.  John Burke deemed it his birthday cake (a full 6 weeks before his birthday), and was very irritated when I had to throw it away to keep from inhaling the whole thing.  So he has been asking to make it again.  Saturday night he helped me make this for Easter lunch.  So so good!  Had to throw it away again today for fear of eating the fudgey icing in its entirety.  Seriously.
We didn't talk too much about the Easter bunny - I just didn't want to handle all the hype or requests I knew Turner would have!  So they walked by these initially Sunday morning.  
But then we had a post-bath discovery of the baskets.  Almost all naked.
And they made me smile because they actually cooperated for a few pictures.
Very sweet!  They are always like this:)

Heath and I didn't mean to coordinate tie and dress.  I blame him - I totally had my dress planned long before he had his tie laid out!  We took some obligatory Easter pictures and then the kids changed clothes and played with cousin Chloe at my parents' house.  We had a great lunch and family time and then headed home to rest.  What a wonderful past week!
Blessed to have wonderful friends and family but more importantly a wonderful Risen Savior!
Happy Resurrection Day!  Love, Heath and Heath-er

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